Wednesday 22 February 2017

What to Look for in a New Sofa

What to Look for in a New Sofa

A new sofa can bring a room to life and give it a fresh, distinctive style. But, what should buyers look for when shopping for a new sofa?

Some things to look for include:

The Right Size
If you don't want a surprise when you take your new sofa home, measure first. Make sure that the size will work in your space, and that it will fit in your door when moving it in! Keep in mind that larger pieces against the wall can make a room seem grounded and open- up more floor-space, while a smaller, streamlined sofa can be pulled away from the wall to make the room seem airy and open.

Quality Construction
Always opt for the highest- quality that your budget will allow. This ensures that you won't need to replace your sofa within the next year or two. Look for quality construction and high-end upholstery fabrics, like wool, linen, and cotton.

Sheer Comfort
When it comes to a sofa, comfort is key. You want to try out your new sofa before purchasing, so make sure to sample and sit whenever you see a sofa that you like. This will make it easier to narrow-down options and make buying decisions when shopping online.

Style and Shape
It is important to thing about where you will be putting your new sofa. The position of your sofa can impact the style and shape that you should buy for your home. For example, smaller couches are great for saving space but lots of small furnishings can actually make the room seem tight and crowded; also, decide if you want your sofa to have legs which allow for a peek at the floor, making the room seem open, or without legs, which makes the sofa an anchor in the room.

Use these tips when shopping for your new sofa. Be prepared with precise measurements and look for quality-made, comfortable sofas that you can use and enjoy for years to come. Also, keep in mind where you plan to put your new sofa to ensure the best results!

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